

Andrew Graham
laGeste & l'Autre Maison

'What a party! You get the opportunity to dance with a diverse group of people for a whole week. It's an educational and enjoyable experience at the same time. And as icing on the cake, there is the final ball, where everyone is invited to join us!'

Maarten Degezelle (comment from a previous edition)

'An incredible, emotional and physical journey. An evolving community of emotional and physical intelligence, intimacy and challenges A landscape of merging experiences, traditions, expertise, expectations, surprises, encounters, colourful personalities merge. There is so much fun and energy generated into the atmosphere.

An unspoken language. A weaving of fragile and uncertain boundaries of beauty and glittering bodies creating and moving the space...a vibration of individual souls!'

Tijen Lawton (comment from a previous edition)

'So much creativity. So many different bodies moving as 1. And a good reason to put on my pearly earrings again.'

Eddie Devos (comment from a previous edition)

info production


Ballrooms is on tour.
In September, Andrew Graham and the team from laGeste will head to Molenbeek to bring a new edition of Ballrooms within the festival MolenFest: BAL AMICAL.E

MolenFest is a festival from 12 to 22 September that gives a sneak peek of what that other, up-and-coming and creative side of the canal has to offer to Brussels and Europe. Molenbeek for Brussels 2030.

BAL AMICAL.E invites everyone to the dancefloor for a bona fide thé dansant, where tunes are mixed and people are mingled.
This inclusive dance fest builds on the idea of mixability. Able-bodiedness is a temporary notion at best. Sooner or later, our fragile bodies will show the inevitable wear and tear: missing a leg, barely mobile, half-blind and brain-fogged. This dance creates a safe space for all these bodies, because we (have got to) move − if we don’t, we’re dead!

What sets this ball apart is that it will be attended by certain people who are in the know, people who have prepared a little something the week before, put together novel dance routines, worked on some cool moves. Don’t call it cheating but rather a series of interventions or transformations.

You can be part of this too. Come to La Raffinerie between 16 and 20 September, between 14.00 to 22.00 and share your own dance idiom with others. Each afternoon there will be space to experiment and share your own
movement language in encounter with others.
Every evening from 18.00 to 20.00 you can join a workshop with a waacking / tango / dabke / pole dancing expert, followed by a free jam session that ends at 22.00.
Choreographer Andrew Graham from l'Autre Maison in Marseille and the team from laGeste will be there to guide you through the steps.

Together you have a ball, and create a unique dance party that converts chance encounters and co-creations into a series of little improvisations and demonstrations, while a DJ keeps everybody on their toes.



concept & direction Andrew Graham
laGeste & l'Autre Maison.
supported by
City of Ghent and Flemish Authorities

MolenFest is an organisation of Molenbeek for Brussels 2030, The House of Cultures and Social Cohesion and KANAL

calender (1)




from Monday16.09.24 till Friday 20.09.24
from 14.00 to 22.00
La Raffinerie - Manchesterstraat 21 - 1080 Molenbeek

Saturday 21.09.2024
from17.00 till 20.00
La Raffinerie - Manchesterstraat 21 - 1080 Molenbeek

free of charge
no alcohol is served or allowed
wheelchair accessible


Ballrooms © Sofie De Backere

